

Mussie Hailu Represents ANT-Hiroshima At The Rwanda Reconcioliation Conference

Here is a message and some photos from our roving ambassador in Africa, Mussie Hailu, after his trip to Rwanda for the Reconciliation Summit in December 2009.
Mussie Hailu
Mussie Hailu

Dear Tomoko-san

Greetings of peace and blessing from Africa. Here is a short report of my mission to Rwanda. I also send attached with this photos.

ANT-Hiroshima expressed its solidarity with people of Rwanda on Reconciliation, Unity and Peace.

I am so happy to inform you that ANT-Hiroshima was represented at the National Unity and Reconciliation Conference of Rwanda. On the occasion I presented the greetings, best wishes and solidarity of ANT-Hiroshima and Mayors for Peace to the Government and people of Rwanda and handed over the peace drawing dedicated to the People of Rwanda from ANT-Hiroshima to the Representative of National Unity and Reconciliation Commission of Rwanda.


Peace Seeds From Hiroshima And Nagasaki To Be Planted In Rwanda
I gave to the commission the “peace seeds” which I brought from Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be planted at the Genocide Memorial Museum.
I also gave the Sadako Sasaki book “Paper Crane Journey” to different schools in Rwanda.

I addressed the participants of the conference on the role of good Leadership in Reconciliation and Peace-building.

The need for reconciliation in today’s world is much greater than at any time in the history of humankind. Increased conflicts and civil wars have caused deep wounds in peoples` relationships. If we are to live in a more peaceful and harmonious world, and heal the wounds of war and conflict constructive dialogue from positions of respect and tolerance is an essential element of peace and reconciliation.

Reconciliation has a much better chance of stopping the cycle of violence and hatred that sometimes transcends generations than any other conflict handling mechanism. I think it is with this in mind that the General Assembly of the United Nations designated this year as the Year of Reconciliation.

Rwanda’s reconciliation effort has been a tale of courage. Rwanda stands as a beacon of reconciliation and Unity.

As you know for the last fifteen years after devastating genocide against the Tutsi people, Rwanda has emerged from the ashes of genocide and embarked on the painful journey of national healing, unity and reconciliation as a prerequisite for lasting peace, security, good governance and development.

Towards this goal, a National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) has been created by a parliamentary law in March 1999 and further emphasized by the new Rwandan Constitution of June 2003. The overall mission of this body is to promote unity and reconciliation among all Rwandans through constant dialogue on matter related to peace, unity and reconciliation, education and sensitization using all means possible and facilitating and empowering interpersonal, community and national reconciliation efforts.

In order to ensure community and national ownership of unity and reconciliation process the commission immediately after its creation embarked on a comprehensive community and national dialogue on what divided Rwandan society, analysis of the causes of the genocides against Tutsi, and work hard to restore the lost national unity and foster a climate of trust, healing and reconciliation.
Yours in Peace,
Mussie Hailu
On behalf of ANT-Hiroshima


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