Dr. Yurii Naumtcev, Director of the Botanical Garden of Tver State University, Russia, writes to inform us that on August 6th 2014 a ceremony was held in the botanical garden in memory of the victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, 69 years ago.
The ceremony was attended by members of the Japanese community who live and work in Tver, and other Japanese visitors.
We are grateful to Dr Naumtcev for sending us this report, and especially so because he tells us that on that day, named “Day Open Heart,” a very special ginko-bilboa sapling was planted by a 12-year-old Japanese girl called Hitomi-san. It is the first sapling that the botanical garden has grown from seeds obtained from Hiroshima through the Green Legacy Hiroshima initiative. 🙂

The full report of this event can be found at: http://garden.tversu.ru/den_otkritogo_serdca_eng.html
On behalf of Green Legacy Hiroshima we extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Yurii Naumtcev and the staff of the Tver State University Botanical Garden and all who participated in, supported and attended “Day Open Heart.”