

Nepal Neurosurgical Fund Seeks Treatment For All Neurosurgery Cases In Nepal

In November Dr. Prabin, a senior neurosurgeon at Norvic International Hospital in Katmandu, launched an initiative that aims to ensure that every Nepalese patient who needs neurosurgical treatment in Nepal will be able to receive it irrespective of his or her financial means.

Dr. Prabin

Dr. Prabin feels that this initiative is urgently needed today because the number of diagnosed neurosurgical problems in Nepal has been increasing in recent years. This is part because of greater public awareness and also because there are now more qualified neurosurgeons in Nepal than ever before, with a corresponding increase in neurosurgical diagnoses.

However, the cost of surgery is a big obstacle to further treatment for most Nepalese, so Dr. Prabin and a group of fellow neurosurgeons decided to set up a fund to help those who desparately need neurosurgery but do not have the means to pay for the treatment.

Norvic International Hospital has one of the best equipped neursurgical treatment facilities in Nepal. However, as it is a privately run hospital, the overall treatment charge is higher than government-funded hospitals, which often lack the essential services, equipment and expertise that is necessary for neurosurgery to be successfully carried out.

ANT-Hiroshima joined Dr. Prabin in the initiative by setting up an English langauge blog to help raise funds and provide information about this initiative:

The blog is very new and Dr. Prabin hopes to add a lot more content in the months ahead.

ANT-Hiroshima is overseeing the fund raising side of the initiative. The Paypal buttons on the donation page are linked to ANT-Hiroshima’s account. ANT-Hiroshima will pass on the funds to Dr. Prabin as they come in.

We hope that with the help of donors  we can support the really needy cases who would otherwise be unable to get any treatment for their neurological conditions.


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